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 被盗事故 [bèi dào shì gù添加此单词到默认生词本
robbery accident

  1. 外籍教师、留学生就寝或离开宿舍前应检查所有门窗是否关好,防止被盗和其它意外事故
    Doors should be closed and locked when leaving the flat and before going to bed.
  2. 第十一条乙方的财产应参加保险,并做好防盗、保安、防火防灾工作,对乙方因被盗、抢以及火灾等事故或不可抗力(如地震、洪水等)所产生的任何损失,均由乙方自行承担,与甲方及物业管理公司无涉。
    Article 11:Party B's should cover insurance for his property, and take proper measures to guard against theft, fire and ensure public security .In case of accidents , robbery, fire.etc or force majeure(like earthquake, flood...etc.), party B undertakes the loss by himself not party A or the related property management department.
  3. 承保财产损失风险和被盗抢风险,承保由于保险事故导致被保险人对第三者的经济赔偿责任。
    This covers the risks of losses and stolen. You would legally have to pay a third party because you damaged his property or injured him.

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