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 被看到 添加此单词到默认生词本
in sight

  1. 幸福伴侣们总是很高兴被看到在一起,那时他们常常有一些深情的互动——手牵手,或者手搭在肩上、膝盖或颈背。
    Happy couples are pleased to be seen together and are often in some kind of affectionate contact — hand on hand or hand on shoulder or knee or back of neck.
  2. 它们身上的伪装图案使它们在斑驳的光线下难以被看到.
    The banded patterns on their bodies make them hard to see in the dappled light.
  3. 我们开始看到事物本身应该被看到的,功能性会加入到我们生活的品质中。
    We began to see things as they were meant to be seen, functional items that added to our quality of life.

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