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 被盖区 [bèi gài qū添加此单词到默认生词本
tegmental region

  1. 即便腹侧被盖区提供的是令人兴奋的多巴胺,但是腹侧被盖区自身还是无法产生”爱“。
    Even with its intoxicating supply of dopamine, the ventral tegmental couldn't do the love job on its own.
  2. 他们发现强烈而又浪漫的爱情感觉跟右尾状核和右腹侧被盖区多巴胺有关。多巴胺是大脑中产生满足和快乐的一种化学物质。
    Researchers took functional magnetic resonance imaging scans of the brains of 17 young men and women to see what was happening in the brain of someone in love.
  3. 必得有某样东西把新情侣的愉快心情变成一种接近于迷恋的东西;它就是大脑依伏神经核--它位于比腹侧被盖区更高更远端处。
    Something has to turn the exhilaration of a new partner into what can approach an obsession, and that something is the brain's nucleus accumbens, located slightly higher and farther forward than the ventral tegmental.

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