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 范围变换 添加此单词到默认生词本
range conversion

  1. 如果表是一个范围集群表(不支持行压缩),可以考虑将其变换范围分区表(支持行压缩)。
    If the table is a range clustered table (that does not support row compression), you can consider switching it to become a range partitioned table (that supports row compression).
  2. 它支持更广范围的选项和功能,并为几乎所有的xml变换提供完整的支持——所有这些都在JAXP支持下工作。
    This supports a much wider array of options and features, and provides complete support for almost all XML transformations — all under the JAXP umbrella.
  3. 在多数情况下,变换的数量在20到480的范围内变动,以便演示数据结构缩放的效果。
    In most cases, I varied the number of mutations from 20 to 480 to provide a picture of how well the data structures scale.

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