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 范围图 添加此单词到默认生词本
[测] areal map

  1. 学员们还将通过练习学习识别关键要求,创建文档系统,制定项目计划和范围图
    Exercises prepare students to identify key requirements, create documentation, develop project plans, and prepare a scope map.
  2. 雷达探测范围图形象直观地显示雷达在不同方位对不同高度的目标所能探测的距离。
    From the radar equations in different detection ranges, the paper realizes the display of three dimension survey scope of radar by means of OpenGL technique on a micro computer.
  3. 同时,给出粒径效应范围图,用于选择合理的模型基础尺寸或地基材料尺寸。
    Based on the test results, the figure indicating the scope of the particle size effects is deduced, and it can be used to choose the reasonable model foundation size and the ground materials.

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