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 范围法 添加此单词到默认生词本
area method

  1. 应用变化范围法(RVA)评估水库运行对河流水文条件的影响。
    The range of variability approach(RVA) is used to evaluate the effects of reservoir operation upon river flow regime.
  2. 水培的应用范围超出了基础研究,因为它有助于冬季温室蔬菜的生长。
    Hydroponics has applications beyond basic research since it facilitates the growth of greenhouse vegetables during winter.
  3. 在《清洁空气》强制要求美国使用无铅气体的二十年里,铅在世界范围内的累积量显著下降。
    In the twenty years that the Clean Air Act has mandated unleaded gas use in the United States, the lead accumulation worldwide has decreased significantly.

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