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 范围管理 添加此单词到默认生词本
scope management

  1. 理由是范围管理, 但是继续向下看。
    The reason was scope management, but read on.
  2. 这些模式表现了一些“抽象规格”,对指导评估、范围管理、过程控制、进展和质量控制有所帮助。
    These patterns represent a few "abstract gauges" that help the steering process to assess scope management, process control, progress, and quality control.
  3. 向开发案例中添加的每一项元素都应该根据期望的效益进行平衡,您需要考虑的方面包括:时间节省、质量获得,或为项目评估、计划和范围管理提供的基础。
    Each addition to the development case should be balanced with the expected benefits in terms of time saving, quality gain, or providing a basis for project estimation, planning, and scope management.

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