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(a measure of width of cloth)

  1. 用有限元法分析无梭织机座组合体的动态性能,求出了座组合体的固有频率。
    By the use of finite element analytic way the modality analysis has been carried out on this model and the inherent frequency and of the sley sword, sley and reed was found.
  2. 他们的群畜、货财、和一切的牲、岂不都归我们麽.只要依从他们、他们就与我们同住。
    Won't their livestock, their property and all their other animals become ours? So let us give our consent to them, and they will settle among us."
  3. 摘要根据无梭织机座脚、座、钢的结构特点,建立了座组合体三维有限元分析模型。
    Aimed at the structural features of sley sword, sley and reed, a 3D finite element analytic model was established for the sley sword, sley and reed.

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