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 筛分机 [shāi fēn jī添加此单词到默认生词本
screen grader

  1. 产品介绍BS系列波动筛分机是由转子上多排多元并列的特制桃形片组成面,转子以同向等速做周向旋转,片交错回转构成多变的孔,使上物料以波动形式向前运动,从而达到高效分之目的。
    Product introduction Series of BS undulate screen, which surface are made of more line-up and row peach shape screen pieces, its rotor is circumrotate by same direction and equal speed, the screen surface intervene turning make of levity screen hole, drive materiel above screen go forward with undulate form, thereby reach to separate effectively.
  2. 是一家制造不同尺寸柔板印刷机械,印刷机器,筛分机,印刷机,硬纸板印刷,十字底板袋机,造纸工业,纸加工工业,纸板加工,精细印刷,轮转印刷机,钻孔器,合成材料机械,纸张加工和处理机械,特种车辆,工具-仪器-器械的企业。
    In order to experience prices of Printing machines, Special vehicles as well as to Assembly technology, Flexographic printing or also as desired for Identification systems and Flexographic printing machines, contact the coworkers of EINBECKER KENNZEICHNUNGSSYSTEME GMBH.

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