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 筛前动脉 添加此单词到默认生词本
arteriae ethmoidalis anterior

  1. 泪囊窝与筛前动脉存在三种毗邻关系。
    There are three kinds of relationships between the lacrimal sac fossa and anterior ethmoid artery.
  2. 结论:动脉的起始及眶内走行多变异,动脉变异较筛前动脉多见。
    Conclusion: the origin and intraorbital course of the ethmoidal artery is variable, which is more common in the posterior ethmoidal artery than in the anterior ethmoidal arteries.
  3. 结果:鼻的血供主要来源于鼻外侧动脉,还有筛前动脉的分支、眼动脉的鼻背支参与。
    Results:Besides the branches of anterior ethmoidal artery and dorsal nasal branches of ophthalmic artery, the primary blood supply to the nose was derived from the lateral nasal arteries.

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