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 筛分效率 [shāi fēn xiào lǜ添加此单词到默认生词本
screening efficiency

  1. 单位面积产量大,筛分效率高。
    Large capacity per unit area, high screening efficiency.
  2. 摘要介绍了负压析仪的结构和工作原理,析了影响筛分效率的因素及其调整方法,介绍了余结果的修正方法。
    Abstract The authors described the structure and working principle of under-pressure sieve analyzer,revealed the factors which may influence the sieve efficiency,and introduced the adjustment method for correcting the sieve residue.
  3. 可以实现大流量的煤炭筛分和堆料同时进行,具有筛分效率高,符合环保要求,是目前较为理想的筛分堆料专用设备。
    The invention has high screening efficiency, meets the requirements of the environment protection and is ideal screening and stacking special equipment at the moment.

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