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  1. 不过,房价正在触底的想法正促使夏风(买房者认为最低迷的时期可能已经过去。 夏风是上海一名33岁的银行职员。
    Still, the perception that prices are bottoming is causing home buyers like Xia Feng, a 33-year-old bank employee in Shanghai, to think the worst may be past.
  2. 陈茜仪()和李晨阳女权主义者们特别将医护道德与儒家式的关怀相提并论,并将家庭视作道德教育的学校。
    Feminists such as Chan Sin Yee and Li Chengyang compare care ethics and Confucian-style empathy, particularity, and the family as a school of moral education.
  3. 他们的老师王珏()说,经过四个月的教学,她的学生已能用汉语表达诸如“我要吃午饭”,“我饿了”句子。
    Their teacher, Wang Jue, said that after four months of instruction, her pre-kindergartners can say phrases like "I want lunch" and "I'm angry" in Chinese.

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