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 等额本金 添加此单词到默认生词本
average capital

  1. 即每月等额偿还贷款本金,贷款利息本金逐月递减。
    Matching the monthly repayment of principal and interest on the loan principal month after month decline.
  2. 等额本息与等额本金还款法的争议余音未绝时,昨天,第三种购房还款法又在杭州现身。
    Matching service and matching repayment of principal law must not dispute lingering sound, yesterday, the third purchase repayment France also appear in Hangzhou.
  3. 银行业内人士表示,由于等额本金还款法对于银行的收益小,因此目前只有中行、招行等少数几家银行推出了这种还款方式。
    Bank industry indicated that the matching law for the repayment of principal proceeds of small banks, it is only exercising, Dr. OK, a few banks offer such repayment.

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