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 社会分层 添加此单词到默认生词本
social stratification

  1. 社会分层决定着校园分层社会领域的贫富差距问题正复制到大学校园中。
    Social polarization determines that of colleges which are undergoing the replication of social gap.
  2. 大学最重要的角色之一是为未来雇主筛选人力资本,或更直白地将社会分层
    One of the most important roles of the university is to screen human capital for future employers, and more broadly stratifying society.
  3. 并希求探询影响班级学生社会分层社会、学校、家庭诸因素及其影响过程。
    Meanwhile, the thesis also inquiries about the factors of society, school, family that influence and lead to students stratification.

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