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 社会劳动 添加此单词到默认生词本
social labor

  1. 同时,这便也是在创造一种社会劳动文化和构筑一种人类社会的文明。
    Meanwhile, it is also in creating a social labor culture and build a kind of human society civilization.
  2. 苏格拉底不断地告诉我们,城市正义的组合,是每一位成员,每一位公民都善尽,他们在社会劳动分工,或说是社会阶层中的职责。
    Socrates tells us repeatedly that justice in the city consists of each member, each citizen fulfilling his task in the social division of labor, in the social hierarchy.
  3. 一部法律的设立都是在解决社会劳动生活实践的过程中实现的。
    All of establishing of laws is laboring in the solution society to live what fulfillment of the process inside practice.

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