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 社会必要劳动时间 添加此单词到默认生词本
[劳经] socially necessary labor time

  1. 这是社会必要劳动时间含义问题上的长期存在分歧和争论的一个重要客观原因。
    This is one of the objective reasons for the long existing differences and arguments on the connotation of necessary social labor time.
  2. 社会主义公有制经济中的工资实行按劳分配的劳动报酬形式,是劳动者在必要劳动时间内创造价值的货币表现;
    In socialist public-owned economy, wages are distributed according to work and are the monetary reflection of the value created by laborers in their necessary labor time.
  3. 市场经济条件下,按劳分配以社会必要劳动时间为基础,借助于商品、货币形式通过市场来实现。
    Under the condition of market economy, distribution according to labour is based on the necessary labour time of society, and is realized through the market in the form of commodities and fund.

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