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 社会开发计划 添加此单词到默认生词本
community development project

  1. 天津开发社会发展局负责教育、文化、卫生、旅游、计划生育、民政等各项社会事业。
    TEDA Social Development Bureau takes responsibility for social business such as education, culture, hygiene, tourism, family planning, and civil administration.
  2. 联合国开发计划署的印尼主任哈肯.布尔科曼说,国际社会希望印尼的选举是干净、公平的。
    "Indonesia has emerged as the strongest and most healthy democracy in Southeast Asia, so we predict in 2009 that all eyes will be on Indonesia to see if the election assistance can work in a good way.
  3. 日前香港政府计划重新开发市区中心由旧警署和监狱组成的一个建筑群,这在香港社会再次引发了一场关于历史保护问题的大讨论。
    Plans to redevelop a sprawling old police and prison complex in the heart of Hong Kong has touched off the latest historical preservation debate.

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