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 相反极性 [xiāng fǎn jí xìng添加此单词到默认生词本
[电子] opposite polarity

  1. 这对追求相反极性的人一样是真理。
    It is just as true of these others of the opposite pole.
  2. 在提升中为什么会发生这些,为什么流程会进入你生命舞蹈内的相反极性
    Why does this occur in ascension, this movement into the opposing polarity within one's life dance?
  3. 守护者的回归将执行地球相反极性的提升以平衡连续18个周期的下跌和下降。
    The return of the guardians shall enforce the polar opposite of ascension in counterbalance to the 18 cycles of falls and decline.

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