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 相同意见 添加此单词到默认生词本
concurring opinion

  1. 其他分析家也持相同意见
    Other analysts agreed.
  2. 中国政府尽管已经明确表示,担心在中国的部分地方存在房地产泡沫。 这一观点国际货币组织也持相同意见
    The Chinese government, though, is clearly worried that there's a real estate bubble in parts of China, a view echoed by the IMF.
  3. 许多检察官持相同意见,用一位检察官的话说:"法院在裁决和程序方式上的变化对犯罪率所产生的影响,大约同阿斯匹林会对脑瘤产生的影响一样。"
    Many prosecutors agreed, and one commented that "changes in court decisions and procedural practice have about the same effect on the crime rate as an aspirin would have on a tumor of the brain."

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