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 相向 [xiāng xiàng添加此单词到默认生词本
opposite direction

  1. 在别的地方,两块板块又可能相向移动而沿着深海沟和岛弧逐渐聚合。
    Elsewhere, two plates may shift toward each other and converge along a deepsea trench and island arc.
  2. 相向而放的镜子间的任何信息,无论如何来回反射都不会改变其形式。
    Any message loosed between the two opposing mirrors bounces to exhaustion without changing its form.
  3. 中国会越来越多地与美国直面相向,不管是收购美国公司,还是奥运金牌数量,还是向外太空发射导弹。
    China is likely to be more and more in America's face, whether buying American firms, winning Olympic gold or blasting missiles into space.

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