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 相变应力 添加此单词到默认生词本
transformation stress

  1. 消除部分热应力相变应力,残余应力也有所降低。
    The part of thermal stress is relieved and the residual stress of phase changing is descend.
  2. 从唯象观点分析了循环变形期间相变应力和弹性模量的变化。
    The change of transformation stress and the modulus of elasticity during cyclic deformation was analyzed from the continuum mechanical point of view.
  3. 结果表明:泵体裂纹为相变应力和热应力以及材质冶金质量不高共同作用而产生。
    The results show that the cracking of the pump body resulted from the interaction of phase transformation and heat stress, as well as the poor quality of metallurgy.

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