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 生物医学科学 [shēng wù yī xué kē xué添加此单词到默认生词本
[基医] biomedical science

  1. 生物生物医学科学
    Biological And Biomedical Sciences.
  2. 医学生物医学科学部就是贝里斯大学的五所健康科学学院之一。
    The School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences is one of the five schools in UB's Health Sciences Complex.
  3. 生物医学科学专业的学生探讨与人类健康,药物和疾病相关的生物问题。课程包括解剖学,化学和遗传学。
    Students of this major explore issues in biology as they relate to human health, medicine, and disease. Subjects of study include anatomy, chemistry, and genetics.

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