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 满族的 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 为某些满族的人,居住在遥远的山区,会集人参、蘑菇和可食的真菌做一个重要边线。
    For some Manchu people, living in remote mountainous areas, gathering ginseng, mushroom and edible fungus makes an important sideline.
  2. 皇太极为求封建经济的发展,高度重视农业生产,他实行了一系列发展农业生产的具体措施,满族的社会经济进一步发展。
    In order to improve the feudal economy, Huangtaiji paid more attention to agricultural production and took a series of measures to develop it, so Manchu's social economy grew greatly.
  3. 北京故宫博物院的坤宁宫是清朝皇帝大婚时的洞房,因此室内设计完全按照满族的传统习俗来进行。
    The Kunning Hall in the Palace Museum in Beijing is the section of the court used by the Qing emperors for wedding chambers and the interior decoration was arranged according to Manchu customs.

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