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 满头大汗 添加此单词到默认生词本
Sweat dripped from one's face.
Sweat trickled down one's forehead.

  1. 我身边的意大利同伴背着一个沉重的背包,在这个凉爽的清晨竟然还满头大汗
    The Italian hiker next to me had a heavy pack and was sweating profusely in the cool morning.
  2. 我打开门一看,原来是那位姑娘,手里拿着7元钱,满头大汗,筋疲力尽的样子。
    I opened the door to see the original, and the girl is holding 7 yuan money profusely haired, looks exhausted.
  3. 我不清楚我是怎么死的,是自然死亡,谋杀还是自杀,但我很快就被吓醒,满头大汗
    I don't know how I died if it were natural or suicide or homicide, but I awoke quickly in the worse sweat.

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