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 海洋站 添加此单词到默认生词本
[海洋] ocean station

  1. 斯坦福大学霍普金斯海洋站的图书馆里学生与教授的数量都在减少。
    The library at Stanford University Hopkins Marine Station is depopulated of students and professors.
  2. 雷诺兹从动物身份号码中看出这是一条由蒙特雷湾的斯坦福大学霍普金斯海洋站的同行所标记的鲨鱼。
    Reynolds could see by the animal's identification number that it had been tagged by colleagues at the Stanford University Hopkins Marine Station in Monterey Bay.
  3. 斯坦福大学霍普金斯海洋站的萨尔瓦多·乔根森博士发现,冬天,食人鲨会离开海豹聚居地(整个夏天它们都在那里以海豹为食),动身前往温暖的水域。
    Dr Salvador Jorgensen, of Stanford University's Hopkins marine station, found that in winter, sharks leave seal colonies, where they feed all summer, and set off for warmer waters.

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