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 海洋能 [hǎi yáng néng添加此单词到默认生词本
ocean energy

  1. 海洋能属于清洁能源,也就是海洋能一旦开发后,其本身对环境污染影响很小。
    OEs belong to clean energies, that is to say, they cause almost none environmental pollution once belong explored.
  2. 海洋能在海洋总水体中的蕴藏量巨大,而单位体积、单位面积、单位长度所拥有的能量较小。
    OEs have large storage in the total water in the ocean, however, the energy contained in per volume, per area, and per length is low.
  3. 积极勘探新的可开发海洋资源,促进深海采矿、海水综合利用、海洋能发电等潜在海洋产业的形成和发展。
    It has actively explored new marine resources as far as possible, and promoted the formation and development of some potential marine industries, such as deep-water mining, comprehensive utilization of seawater, and power generation with marine energy.

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