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 海流能 [hǎi liú néng添加此单词到默认生词本
ocean current energy
energy by ocean current
energy of sea current
sea current energy

  1. 它只推荐给有经验的潜水者,并且由于是印度洋和太平洋的交汇处,从而产生会合、分离的海流。漩涡将潜水者往下方拉扯。
    Recommended only for experienced divers, it is in a place where the Indian and Pacific Oceans meet, creating currents that converge and separate. Whirlpools and eddies can pull divers downwards.
  2. 在此基础上,研制了一套模拟海流、海床与海底管道之间相互作用的实验模拟装置。
    An experimental apparatus for simulating the interaction between current, pipeline and seabed is thereby designed and constructed.
  3. 电池的额外量将使这种艇的最高速度提升20%并在更强的海流下工作。
    Rolls-Royce says that their additional energy will allow the craft's top speed to increase by over 20% and operate in much stronger currents.

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