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 海洋考察 添加此单词到默认生词本
oceanographic research

  1. 海洋考察队的副主任enrico Gennari也来了,他是一名大白鲨研究专家,但是还是没能帮助鲨鱼“走”出困境回到海里。
    With Oceans Research's co-director, Enrico Gennari, an expert on great white sharks, the team tried unsuccessfully to "walk" the shark back to sea.
  2. 迄今为止,海洋盐分水平的信息来自于海洋考察船和浮标,专家说,宝瓶号卫星收集的海洋盐分水平的信息量,相当于海洋考察船过去一百二十年的总和。
    Experts say Aquarius will gather as much information about sea surface salinity as has been collected by ships over the past one hundred twenty-five years.
  3. 考察范围还包括了北冰洋和南极洲的冰冻海洋
    The frozen seas of the arctic and Antarctic each had their surveys, too.

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