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 波形绕组 添加此单词到默认生词本
wave winding
series-parallel winding

  1. 用途:适用于汽车发电机定子波形绕组绕线。
    Usage: suitable for wave shape coil winding for auto generator stator.
  2. 输出变压器汇总这些生地阶段产生的电流输出波形中的二次绕组
    The output transformer sums these oppositely-phased currents to produce the output waveform in the secondary winding.
  3. 本机适用于汽车发电机三相定子波形绕组的自动绕排及菊花状成型,作为定子自动嵌线的前道工序。
    Usage : be suitable for auto-winding & chrysanthemum shaping of car's motor stator three-phrase undee rolling team to act as pre-working process of stator auto-embedding.

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