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 水化作用 [shuǐ huà zuò yòng添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 上述两种作用均可导致膜水化作用增强,从而使膜的透过性明显增加。
    Effects of both forms of the succinic acid could improve the hydration of Eudragit RS film. As a result, the permeability of the film was improved evidently.
  2. 如果气温太高,比方说在30℃以上,混凝土里的水在水化作用完成之前就可能蒸发掉了。
    If the air temperature is too high, over 30℃, say, the water in the concrete may evaporate away before hydration can be completed.
  3. 给出了考虑水化作用和滤饼质量后预测井壁稳定性的方法,同时将该方法应用于现场,取得了较好的预测效果。
    The method to predict wellbore stability is provided considering hydration and filtrate cake quality. In addition, this method was applied in field with better prediction results.

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