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 水压测试 添加此单词到默认生词本
hydrapress measurement

  1. 密封的测试插头用在高水压测试管,管路和压力容器上。
    I. D. sealing test plug for high pressure hydrostatic testing of pipe, pipelines and pressure vessels.
  2. 在进行水压测试之前,要再次检查扭矩值,确保扭矩达到螺栓规格表上显示的扭矩值。
    Prior to hydro test, check torque values again and bring them up to the torque value shown in the Bolting Specification table.
  3. 此次燃料测试后,飞机将进行结构耦合和地面振动测试,并将完成门和起落架的水压测试
    Following the fuel testing the aircraft is undergoing structural coupling and ground vibration testing, as well as completing hydraulic testing of the doors and landing gear.

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