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 水化热 添加此单词到默认生词本
[化学] heat of hydration
hydration heat

  1. 大体积混凝土在桥梁施工过程中,由于水泥水化热容易引起表面裂缝。
    During the mass concrete construction in bridge structure, the cement hydration heat is easy to cause surface cracking.
  2. 混凝土的早期收缩包括:塑性阶段的收缩和硬化初期的水化热冷缩与干燥收缩两部分。
    Concrete shrinkage include: the early stage of plastic shrinkage and hardening of the early hydration heat and cold and dry shrinkage two parts.
  3. 控制拱坝的裂缝是拱坝设计中必须认真解决的问题,而消除施工期水化热温升的不利影响,是碾压混凝土高拱坝设计中的关键。
    To remove the unfavorable impact caused by the temperature rise of hydration heat during the construction period is key to the design of high RCC arch dam.

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