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 水化学异常 添加此单词到默认生词本
hydrogeochemical anomaly

  1. 本文通过实例,介绍了吉南玄武岩覆盖区水化学异常查证的化探工作方法。
    With practical examples, the present paper has expounded the geochemical prospecting method for investigating and verifying hydrochemical anomalies in the basalt-covered area of southern Jilin.
  2. 异常低压的形成机制归纳为4大类:1)构造抬升和地层剥蚀、孔隙水化学作用引起的孔隙体积增大;
    The forming mechanisms of subnormal pressure can be divided into 4 types: 1)increase in pore volume caused by tectonic uplift and formation erosion, or chemical effects of pore water;
  3. 本文主要运用结构系统概念,建立地下(位、水化学)异常量、干扰量与地震之间的二维突变模型。
    Based mainly on the structural system concept, a 2-d catastrophic model of groundwater (level and geochemistry) anomaly, interference and earthquake has been established in this paper.

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