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 有向单形 [yǒu xiàng dān xíng添加此单词到默认生词本
oriented simplex

  1. 以最小势能原理为基础,推导并讨论了3种式的荷载:集中力、梯荷载、正弦荷载对悬臂室箱梁剪力滞的影响,得出考虑剪力滞效应后弯曲法应力较大变化的结论,对设计人员确定截面尺寸、截面配筋具一定的指导意义。
    Based on the minimum potential energy principal, the influences of three loads, which are concentrated force, trapezoidal load and sinusoid load, over shear lag of cantilever single-box-single-cell box girder are deducted and discussed, and a conclusion is reached, which has some instructive significance for designer to determine the sectional dimension and reinforcing bars; the bending normal stress changes greatly as considering the shear lag effect.
  2. 本机二块针板,路进纱,一只或二只梭子可以调换使用,以变更色纱,后针板可用柄左或右移动针距,以织斜花纹。
    This machine has two needle bar plates and one feeder.It has one or two shuttles for changing the dyed yarn.The back needle bar can be moved to left or right for changing the gauge by handle in order to knit twill pattern.

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