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 有向距离 [yǒu xiàng jù lí添加此单词到默认生词本
[计] directed distance

  1. 从理论上,阐述了无瞬心包络法加工原理和最小有向距离算法的基本理论。
    Non-instantaneous section envelope machining principle and the algorithm of seeking minimal orientation-distance are expounded theoretically.
  2. 利用最小有向距离原理,提出了斜航式法圆弧锥齿轮传动的误差分析仿真算法。
    Based on the principle of"minimal orientation-distance", an emulation algorithm of error analysis is put forward for transmission of loxodrome normal circular-arc bevel gear.
  3. 对整体分析区域进行基于距离有向三角剖分,并获得每个扇区的候选相邻小区列表;
    A triangulation with directions based on distance is made and the candidate adjacent cell list of each sector is got; 4.

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