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 有向集 添加此单词到默认生词本
directed set

  1. 布兰妮的经纪人Adam Leber已经开始做宣传去争取《欢乐合唱团》布兰妮歌曲致敬的一,通过tweeter发布消息:“你们想看到布兰妮歌曲的一吗?”
    Spear's manager, Adam Leber has begun a campaign to get a special Britney Glee tribute, tweeting: "Do you guys want to see a Britney episode?"
  2. 在此基础上,提出一个同时生成有向图的有向回路基和全部有向回路的算法。
    A search algorithm for finding simultaneously the basic sets and whole body of directed circuits is presented.
  3. 从而解决了求有向回路基效算法问题。
    Thus, the problem of efficiently finding the basic set of directed circuits in a digraph is solved.

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