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 有向线段 添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] directed line segment

  1. 如果朋友我们走过来,我们将看到他的那条线段逐渐变大;
    If our friend comes closer to us we see his line becomes larger;
  2. 将扫描体与复杂曲面法矢的求交问题,转化为三角网格与有向线段之间的求交计算。
    The intersection of sweep volume with complicated surface normal is transformed into computation of intersection between triangular mesh and directed line segment.
  3. 通过将被裁剪线段定义为有向线段、确定窗口边界的进出边,避免了不必要的求交计算。
    With the introduction of the direction for each line segment, the entry and exit boundary lines of the clipping window are classified, resulting in less intersection calculation for the process.

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