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 散曲 [sǎn qǔ添加此单词到默认生词本
a type of verse popular in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, with tonal patterns modelled on tunes drawn from folk music

  1. 摘要贯云石是元代散曲创作成就最高的少数民族作家。
    Guan Yunshi, a national minority writer, is the highest achievement of Sanqu creation in the Yuan Dynasty.
  2. 联系元散曲等资料,此故事在元代流布甚广,庾天锡即以此题材创作杂剧。
    The author believes that Rui Zhu Gong in the Autumn Night was taken from Master Feng Yue's New Stories from the Green Wind...
  3. 关汉卿不仅是一位伟大的戏剧家,而且也是一位伟大的诗人,一位卓越的散曲作家。
    Guanhanqing is a great dramatist,a poet and especially an excellent writer of Sanqu in China's Yuan Dynasty.

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