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 散流器 [sǎn liú qì添加此单词到默认生词本
air diffuser

  1. 送风散流器的合适选择有助于确保变风量系统在较大的风量范围内运行良好。
    The proper selection of air diffusers will help to ensure that variable air volume will operate over a range of air volumes well.
  2. 组织采用上送上回的气组织形式,送风口选用方形散流器,回风口采用单层百叶回风口。
    Airflow in the use of the air flow back into the forms of organization, sent choice of a square air diffusers, and return to the use of single-storey Venetian tuyere tuyere back.
  3. JS型散流器由整流器和送风口组成,属贴附射型,阻力小,扩半径大,性能可靠、安装方便、调节自如,实用性强。
    Type JS air disperser consists of rectifier and blowing hole, it posesses a flat type and radiating dispersion with low resistance, large dispersing area, reliable, easy to install and adjust.

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