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 散热损失 添加此单词到默认生词本
radiation loss

  1. 摘要国家标准《设备及管道保温技术通则》中规定的允许最大散热损失值被多个相关标准引用。
    The allowable maximum heat loss prescribed in the national standard is taken as a basic reference by many other related standards.
  2. 指出该通则中对允许最大散热损失值的规定存在不妥之处,并分析和研究了俄罗斯相关国家标准中的有关规定。
    Points out the irrationality of the prescription in the standard, and analyses and studies the correlative regulations in the Russian standards.
  3. 摘要采用多晶莫来石纤维贴面块对加热炉炉内壁保温,减少了炉体的散热损失,降低了炉子燃耗,取得了较好的效果。
    This paper introduces that the diffuse heat heating furnace is reduced the consumption of fuel is debased and the preferable effect is got, using the multicrystal mullite fibrous stickup lump to heat preservation in heating furnace wall.

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