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 散热量 添加此单词到默认生词本
heat dissipating capacity
heat release

  1. 该系列产品热工性能好,连箱之间采用高频翅片管连接,增加了散热面积散热量大。
    Thermal performance of the product is good, even high frequency finned tube box connection between the increase of heat dissipation area of maximum heat dissipation.
  2. 通过对覆盖家具前后辐射地面散热量的模拟计算,得出了家具对地面散热量的影响程度。
    Simulates the heat release of floor with and without covering respectively, and concludes the effect of covering by furniture on heat release.
  3. 机匣出油口润滑油的温度、机匣内部润滑油温度场的分布和机匣壳体散热量三者互为计算条件,给计算带来困难。
    The temperature and its field distribution and the heat dissipation through gearbox case are conditional on each other in computation, thus making the computation much more difficult.

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