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 撞击加速度 [zhuàng jī jiā sù dù添加此单词到默认生词本
impact acceleration

  1. 它的产生就是将一系列已知重量的重块从一个特定的高度跌落到衬垫式样上,此时测得这些重块撞击到泡沫材料上所承受的加速度
    Curves are generated by dropping a series of known weights onto a cushion sample from a specified height and measuring the amount of shock experienced by the weights as they impact the foam.
  2. 最近在实验室中进行的撞击实验发现,某些菌株可承受一般从火星高压喷发时所产生的加速度与急冲度(加速度的变化率)。
    Recent laboratory impact experiments have found that certain strains of bacteria can survive the accelerations and jerks (rates of changes of acceleration) that would be encountered during a typical high-pressure ejection from Mars.
  3. 文摘:应用有限变形的最小加速度原理,推导出了小变形或有限变形构件受到刚性飞射物撞击时的刚塑性运动方程,指出该方法具有直接、简捷和可靠的特点.
    Abstract: In this paper,a rigid plastic dynamicequations of the stucture subjected to impact by a rigid projectile areobtainedbased on the minimum principle in dynamics ofelastic-plastic continua with finite deformation.It is shown that the method is reliable and straightforward.

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