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 撞击速度 [zhuàng jī sù dù添加此单词到默认生词本
striking velocity

  1. 当列车在正常运行时,车体有足够的强度和刚度,需要满足有关规范规定的强度、刚度要求;在较高速下发生碰撞事故时,吸能结构能够沿所需方向产生塑性大变形吸收足够冲击动能,保证机器间和乘客区不发生破坏,并延缓碰撞作用时间,降低碰撞瞬间最大减速度,使撞击速度在人体承受范围内。
    Once collision accident occurred when the train is moving with fairly high speed ,the energy-absorbing structure produces large plastic deformation along the direction needed to absorb sufficient energy,at the same time,the deceleration must be controlled within the endurable limits to human body.
  2. 之前的测试中,车辆是以每小时5英里的速度撞击障碍物和杆柱。
    Previously, cars were tested against flat barriers and poles at five mph.
  3. 大多数船只在下沉过程中就已破碎,并以每小时100英里的速度撞击海底,因此成为乱糟糟的一团。
    Most ships break up on the way down, hit the bottom at about 100 miles per hour, and become a chaotic, confusing jumble.

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