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 撞击韧性 添加此单词到默认生词本
impact toughness

  1. 最重要的是:该工艺混合了植物纤维后,头部更易散热,同时因为植物纤维的韧性,更能经受撞击
    The most important thing is: the process a mixture of plant fibers, the head easier to heat, and because of the toughness of plant fiber, better withstand impact.
  2. 2波形护栏板是一种半钢型防护设施,韧性很好,车辆撞击时,能圆滑的国家,迫使车辆回到正常的线。
    2 waveform guardrail plate is a semi steel protective equipment, toughness is very good, the impact of the vehicle, able to smooth the country, forcing the vehicle back to the normal line.
  3. 玻璃纤维与树脂结合,抗张裂性能加强、耐多种化学品的腐蚀、抗撞击、增强韧性、可承受重压、重载物行走。
    Combining glass fiber with resin, strong performance resistant to crack, resistant to various, chemicals, resistant to impact, strengthened toughness, able to bear heavy pressure and goods.

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