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 撞击图像 添加此单词到默认生词本
percussion figure
impact figure

  1. 这张照片是迄今为止最为引人注目的星系撞击图像之一。
    This is one of the most arresting galaxy smash-up images to date.
  2. 从博客和社交网站上公布撞击现场图像显示,一些人血迹斑斑并受伤严重。
    Images from the crash site posted on blogs and social networking sites showed some people bloodied and badly injured.
  3. 针对传统的模板匹配技术的不足,采用变模板匹配技术,开发了列车部件撞击序列图像运动分析软件。
    Aimed at insufficiency of traditional template matching technique kinematic analysis software of image sequence of train component crash was developed adopted alterable template matching technique.

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