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 描红 [miáo hóng添加此单词到默认生词本
to trace over red characters (as a method of learning to write)

  1. 她把铅笔绑在第托手上,强迫第托照字母描红,直到第托能自己来。
    She tied a pencil to his hand and forced it to trace the alphabet until he could do it alone.
  2. 因为他姓孔,别人便从描红纸上的"上大人孔乙己"这半懂不懂的话里,替他取下一个绰号,叫作孔乙己.
    And as his surname was Kong, he was given the nickname Kong Yiji from Kong Yi Ji, the first three characters in the old-fashioned children's copy-book.

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