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 描述统计学 [miáo shù tǒng jì xué添加此单词到默认生词本
descriptive statistics

  1. 描述统计学涉及对所收集数据的制表、制图和描述
    Descriptive statistics involves tabulating, depicting and describing collections of data.
  2. 并且用运用描述统计学,多变量分析和空间计量经济学方法验证了这种关系。
    Furthermore, this relationship has been validated by applying with the methods of descriptive statistics, multi-variable analysis and Spatial Econometrics.
  3. 文中描述统计学和数据开采方法在知识发现上的差异,指出统计学和数据开采可通过彼此学习和互相使用来得到发展。
    In this paper, we describe and compare these differences, and give an overview of the area and conclude that statisticians and data miners can profit by studying each other's methods.

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