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 描述词 [miáo shù cí添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 通过性别识别实验发现,性别倾向性描述词相对于性别倾向性称谓具有更好的性别指示作用。
    The experiment shows that gender bias feature words have a better description of different gender roles than gender bias personal appellations.
  2. 由于该模型考虑了之间距离的概念,同普通的共现模型相比,该模型更能准确地描述词之间的相关性信息。
    The model can get more precise thesaurus because it consider about the distance between words, which is unlike the common co-occurrence models.
  3. 描述岩石内呈平行或近于平行的、间隔很近的、叠置的或呈梯形的小型构造的描述词,如一些与总体构造线斜交的断层及张力裂隙。
    Describing parallel or sub parallel, closely-spaced, overlapping or step-like minor structural features in rock, such as faults and tension fractures, that are oblique to the overall structural trend.

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