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 描绘板 添加此单词到默认生词本
plotting board

  1. 故事脚本主要显示了以系统为某个特定目的而操作的方式对用户界面描绘的过程。
    A storyboard typically shows the user interface drawn in a way that shows how the system will operate for a particular purpose.
  2. 你可以直接在故事中开始描绘单个框架。
    You can start drawing the individual frames directly in the storyboard.
  3. 现在我们要开始描摹正面的前,使用钢笔工具来描绘下图指示区域。
    We will now start tracing the Front Face of the panel, use the Pen Tool to trace the part shown in the image below.

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