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 控制计算机接口 添加此单词到默认生词本
control computer interface

  1. 位于波士顿的美国东北大学的一组研究人员正致力于开发出一种“大脑-机器人接口”,这个设备可以让你通过看计算机屏幕的特定区域来控制机器人的行动。
    A team of researchers at Northeastern University in Boston is working on a brain-robot interface that lets you command a robot by looking at specific regions on a computer screen.
  2. 操作系统的目的之一就是把底层硬件的特性给封装起来,然后提供一个统一的接口,以便于计算机操作人员控制硬件。
    The purpose of the OS is to encapsulate all the intricacies of the underlying hardware and provide a unified access interface to the computer's parts. No application can access the hardware directly.
  3. 这一层顾名思义就是主机(计算机)和控制器(蓝牙设备)之间的接口
    This layer is literally the interface between the host (your computer) and the controller (the Bluetooth device).

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